다음과 같이 정전됨을 알려드리오니 미리 대비하시어 피해를 예방하시기 바랍니다.- 대상: 평창캠퍼스(산학협력단지 제외)- 일시: 2. 12.(수) 10:00, 14:00 / 약 3초- 안내사항: 사전 실험/연구기기 전원 차단, 승강기 사용 금지(09:55 ~ 10:05, 13:55 ~ 14:05)-----Please be advised of the scheduled power outage as detailed below. We recommend taking the necessary precautions in advance to prevent any potential issues. - Affected Area: Pyeongchang Campus (excluding Industrial Cooperative Research Park)- Date & Time: Feb 12 (Wed) 10:00, 14:00 / approx. 3 seconds- Notice: Please turn off all experimental/research equipment beforehand and refrain from using elevators between 09:55-10:05 and 13:55-14:05.